Senin, 19 September 2016

Trip To Lawu

The second highest mountain in the island of Java is located in the area of ​​Central Java and East Java karang anyar precisely in the district (Central Java) and Magetan district (East Java). To reach the top of Mount Lawu there are three lanes. First via Cemoro enclosure (Central Java), both via Cemoro sewu (East Java) and via Sukuh temple. But for the first time there recommended via Cemoro sewu because the track is now not too extreme, because it made such a belt of stairs when the entry gate to the summit.

When you visit Mount Lawu do not forget to stop by the "mbok Yem". The circles climbers already know about mbok Yem pecel repairman who sell at 50m before the summit precisely in the post 5. mBok Yem itself has many decades stayed in peak Lawu and selling there. Not uncommon for hikers to rest and eat at his place. Although mbok selling daily Yem pecel but make no mistake, his son graduated in IPB, UGM and UNS and now anak2nya already on mapan2 but he was still selling pecel for hikers who want to climb to the mountain Lawu.

If you are curious about mbok Yem seller pecel in Mount Lawu. But remember when going to climb should guard our attitude and must keep and preserve the environment of the mountain Lawu, because in mountain Lawu very sensitive when the climbers did not obey the rules. Do not leave the trail except footprints, do not take anything except the memories (photos), do damage and kill animals except emergency

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